6 Columbus Circle. New York

We renovated this 88-room, boutique hotel located on Columbus Circle and extended it by five stories. The addition provides eight additional luxury rooms and two duplex penthouses with Central Park views and terraces. The most extensive renovation to 6 Columbus Circle to date, the addition, and interior renovation pose a modern contrast to the turn-of-the-century building. The elevation of the addition is broken up by the floor-to-ceiling glazing systems, which open onto private balconies. Inspired by modern art and design, the interiors are an unexpected combination of teak wood panels, custom lacquered furniture, and steel and glass walls. Rooms and suites feature tear bed-wall panels and custom-made furniture.

Client: Berit Realty, Thompson Hotels.
Program: hotel renovation and addition.
Size: 44,600 SF, 88 units (addition), 13 stories (total), 5 stories (addition).
Team: Structural Engineering: Silman. Mechanical Engineering: Abraham Joselow. Electrical Engineering: IVLN. Interior Design: Steven Sclaroff Design. Contractor: Vortex Construction Group.
Photography: ESKW/Architects.


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