Originally located in Kips Bay neighborhood in Manhattan, the Lucile Palmaro Clubhouse relocated to the Bronx in 1969. It is the largest of the Club’s 10 sites and provides a range of youth enrichment services including art, athletic, and academic programs. The Clubhouse also houses the Bronx’s sole outdoor ice-skating rink. To enhance the Club for decades to come, ESKW/A is working closely with the program directors to redesign the heart of the facility, the Games Room. To enliven the centrally located Games Room, the original, single-glazed skylights, concealed in the 1970s to conserve energy, will be removed and replaced with a large, single-slope, insulated panel skylight. The room will be re-shaped and centered around the original brick fireplace, and the perimeter will have deep, colorful nooks for seating booths.

Additional studies will examine the needs of the club at a Master-Planning level.

Client: Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club.
Owner’s Representative: LOM Property Consulting.
Agency: NYC Economic Development Corporation. Program: educational, community.
Size: 8,000 SF.
Team: Structural Engineering: Old Structures Engineering. Mechanical Engineering: Guth DeConza. Lighting Design: Jim Conti Lighting Design. General Contractor: GTL Construction.

Lucile Palmaro Clubhouse. Bronx, NY


Milbank Locker Rooms


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