This new 8-story building is a blend of high quality affordable and supportive housing, offering a mix of studios, 1-, and 2- bedroom units. As a result of the area's rezoning, the structure was the tallest on the block at the time of completion. The design team carefully studied the materials of the surroundings to design a building congruous with the residential neighborhood. The façade’s brick patterns reference the typical materials of the area and articulate the building’s mass. The main entry off East New York Avenue is recessed through a private court. The design focused on sustainability. A full array of solar panels on a steel pavilion was installed on the 8th floor roof. ESKW/A and developer, The Bridge, coordinated with energy consultant Bright Power to develop a sustainable building model based on this building that could become the basis for future building developments.

Client: The Bridge.
Agency: NYC OMH. Program: residential (affordable and supportive housing).
Size: 52,300 SF, 66 units, 8 stories.
Team: Structural: Silman. Mechanical: Abraham Joselow. Landscape: Abel, Bainnson, Butz. Energy: Bright Power. General Contractor: DP Group.

918 East New York Avenue. Brooklyn


1070 Myrtle Avenue


Baez Place